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  • Writer's pictureCatrina Gardner

Branding on a Budget: How to Improve Your Brand Photos with Your Phone Camera

Photography has become more accessible than ever before with the advent of smartphones. With the latest smartphones having cameras comparable to, if not better than, many DSLR models, the ability to take professional-grade photos is right at our fingertips. However, without some tips, it can be challenging to create visually compelling brand photos.

As a multipassionate, I've dabbled in several creative areas, one of which being photography. I was a freelance designer for several years and have been taking professional brand photos for dozens of clients over the last 7 years. Im going to provide five essential tips for improving your phone photography skills and taking your brand photos from novice to professional.

  1. Clean Your Lens: This may seem like an obvious tip, but it’s crucial to clean your lens before taking any photos. Our phones are constantly in our pockets, and the lens can get smudged with fingerprints, dirt, or dust. Cleaning your lens with a microfiber cloth can make a significant difference in the sharpness and clarity of your photos.

  2. Use Natural Light: Natural light is always the best option for photography, and the same holds for phone photography. Try to take your photos in natural light rather than relying on the flash. When indoors, try to take photos near windows or in well-lit areas. When shooting outdoors, consider the time of day and the direction of the light to create visually stunning images.

  3. Adjust Exposure and Focus: Most smartphone cameras allow you to adjust the exposure and focus of your photos. Tapping on the screen of your phone can adjust the focus, and sliding up or down can adjust the exposure. Adjusting the exposure can help brighten or darken your photos, depending on the lighting conditions.

  4. Experiment with Composition: Composition is all about the arrangement of elements in your photo. Experimenting with different angles, perspectives, and focal points can create a visually compelling image. Try using the rule of thirds, leading lines, or symmetry to add interest to your photos.

  5. Edit Your Photos: Editing your photos can help bring out their full potential. There are many free photo editing apps available, such as Lightroom, Snapseed, or VSCO. Editing can help adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation, and sharpness of your photos. Be careful not to over-edit, though, as this can make your photos look unnatural.

With these five essential tips, you can take your phone photography skills to the next level and elevate your brand photos. Remember to clean your lens, use natural light, adjust exposure and focus, experiment with composition, and edit your photos. Looking more more help photography, design, and marketing? Reach out to Vision Advertising. We’d love to help you elevate your brand image.

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